April 26, 2018

The Untapped Talent Pool You Should Be Recruiting

It’s frustrating when your organization’s job openings don’t attract enough applicants, or worse, when no one qualified applies at all. Or perhaps you’ve been told to hire someone new immediately, meaning your usual thoughtful recruitment process is out the window.

You may already have an easily accessible pool of qualified candidates. The secret is to take a look at people who previously applied for positions at your organization. Learn more about this untapped talent pool below.

March 21, 2018

5 Ways to Save Money by Increasing HR Efficiencies

Public sector budgets are often stretched to their limits and inflexible. HR efficiencies can give your organization new ways to do more with less.

February 21, 2018

5 Ways Technology Makes Hiring Less Frustrating

An applicant tracking system is more than a human resources tool. The software can reduce frustrations for recruiters, hiring managers, job applicants, and everyone on your staff who pitches in to hire talent.

Executives and human resources leaders are recognizing how applicant tracking software for government agencies can improve the entire employee hiring process. Here are five ways technology can make the HR hiring process less frustrating at your organization.

December 15, 2016

Managing Human Resources: What Do You Want to Be Known For?

As an HR professional, your personal brand is one of your most important assets. It’s a mix of who you are, what you’re known for, and how well you’ve proved what you can do. It’s partly the HR persona you craft and partly the reputation you earn.

November 08, 2016

How to Write Job Descriptions for a Culture of Now

We live in a culture of immediacy. We’re multi-tasking masters. We get maps, taxis, and dates with just a few swipes of a screen. We consume news in tweet-sized tidbits. We watch ten-second videos that disappear. It’s a world filled with distractions galore.

October 19, 2016

9 Stats About the "Silver Tsunami" (and how to prepare)

More than a decade ago, the Pew Research Center coined the term “silver tsunami” to describe the anticipated retirement of Baby Boomers. Although the mass wave of retirements was projected to hit government in 2011, the recession put many of these retirement plans on hold. This gave government agencies a bit of respite, but now, according to a number of reputable sources, the long-awaited silver tsunami may have finally arrived.

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