May 05, 2020

This One Simple Change Will Increase Employee Engagement: 1:1 Meetings

Learn how prioritizing 1:1 meetings ensures employees feel heard, receive feedback in a timely manner, and promote correction of issues or mistakes. 

April 06, 2020

The Art of Remote Employee Performance Management

Learn what best practices your public sector agency can use to master performance management for remote workers and stay competitive in today’s market.

December 27, 2018

Creative Ways to Support New Parents Returning to the Workforce

Life for growing families is complicated. Do your organization’s policies make it easier for people to transition back to work? If your organization wants to attract and retain new parents, paying attention to their needs is crucial.

October 05, 2018

Four Steps to Improving Your Organization's Performance Review Process

The performance review process at local government agencies is often outdated and disconnected from employees’ important day-to-day responsibilities. According to Gallup research, only 2 in 10 employees strongly agree that their performance is managed in a way that motivates them to do outstanding work. If this is the case in your organization, giving the performance review process a thorough overhaul can radically rejuvenate employee engagement.

Leading your organization to revamp its entire performance review process isn’t simple, but the rewards can be significant. It can improve organizational culture, give high-performing employees recognition that can reduce turnover, and support struggling employees toward professional and personal growth.

How can you lead your organization to change your performance review process for the better? Here's an easily manageable four-step process.

June 01, 2018

How to Support Your Employees to Work Smarter, Not Harder

Learn how government agencies can break down barriers to help their employees be more productive, efficient, and successful at work.

December 21, 2017

Data Shows What Drives People Performance

We can improve public sector performance if we make decisions about people's practices based on data. One of the biggest initiatives in gathering people data is the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey. In particular, data from this study points managers towards practices that drive engagement.

September 20, 2017

How to Change Your Performance Review Process

Learn how giving your organization’s performance review process a thorough overhaul can radically rejuvenate your employee engagement. 

March 16, 2017

How to Develop a Performance Improvement Plan

The dreaded PIP. Though the acronym stands for Performance Improvement Plan, to many employees it might just as well mean “Panic-Inducing Punishment.”

The best employers know a PIP can place underperforming staff on a path to transform themselves into better employees. But, in practice, a PIP is too often a half-hearted attempt at giving somebody one last improbable chance to save their job. Sometimes, managers treat the PIP as little more than a mandatory step in the process of firing an employee.

Performance Improvement Plans have so much potential. How can a PIP revive a struggling employee’s job performance?

February 16, 2017

The Power of Empathy in Employee Performance Reviews

Learn how empathy enhances the value of your employee performance reviews and fosters a more successful and supportive culture in your agency.

November 17, 2016

How to Tell if Your Performance Review Process is Ineffective

Is your performance management process supporting the needs of your employees and your government agency? This checklist will help you find out.

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