August 10, 2020

Sexual Harassment Training: Are You Meeting Your State’s Requirements?

As American society faces a new reckoning around the subject of discrimination and harassment, government bodies are looking for ways to remedy these problems with legislation. One such topic being addressed by state and local laws in the wake of the #MeToo movement is sexual harassment training, with several states and one major city enacting policies that require employers to ensure their employees are getting this important education and training.

July 13, 2020

4 Key Considerations to Unlock CARES Act Money for Public Sector HR

By now, all 50 U.S. states as well as territories have been allocated federal funding in the form of the CARES Act, signed into law back in March in order to help American citizens, businesses, institutions, and local agencies recover from COVID-19 related struggles. The chunk of this $2 trillion bill that is dedicated to helping local government agencies, tribal government agencies, and colleges and universities is referred to as the Coronavirus Relief Fund.

June 30, 2020

Racism, Inequality & Addressing Psychological Needs of Public Sector Employees

If you are like me, you are more than just a bit off balance with all that is going on in the world. At the end of 2019, things were moving along at a nice clip and we were all excited about the prospect of a robust 2020 -- and then the COVID-19 pandemic hit with a ferocity that we had never seen or could have even imagined. Then, we all saw the senseless murder of George Floyd and other Black civilians replayed over and over across media outlets. As a result, the world exploded into a chaos that is at once compelling and traumatizing, one which many of us still have trouble processing. The issue of race relations and racial injustice symbolized by the Black Lives Matter protests have put issues we have historically been ill-equipped to deal with squarely in our sights.

June 17, 2020

How One College Enacted a Contact Tracing Protocol for COVID-19

As public sector and higher education organizations plan to send their workforces back to the office post-pandemic, many safety precautions will have to be taken into consideration to mitigate the risk for employees. In particular, conceding that COVID-19 is likely not going away -- at least not completely -- means that organizations may have to step in when local health departments are unable to do so. Automation of these processes can help reduce the danger of disease-spreading while also tracking crucial information that impacts the safety and health of the entire organization. Among the new processes organizations will need to introduce, contact tracing ranks high on the list.

June 11, 2020

How to Make a Multi-Generational Workforce An Opportunity for Success

Learn how to leverage the strengths and embrace the differences of your multi-generational workforce to drive greater success for your agency.

June 01, 2020

6 Checklist Items for HR to Ensure a Safe Return to Office Spaces

Though we are hardly out of the woods yet with regards to COVID-19, employers and employees alike are naturally beginning to think about what work life will look like when non-essential personnel return to offices. In particular, public sector agencies may not have the luxury to remain at home indefinitely – or perhaps they never went home at all – because of the nature of the services they provide to local communities.

A recent report from Gartner found that 82% of HR leaders will be involved in the planning of the return to offices. With a plethora of items to consider to not only maintain productivity but also keep everyone safe, HR must put a plan in place to ensure the return to the office is done judiciously and effectively.

Bearing that in mind, we put together an overview for HR leaders to contemplate for a safe return to the office.

May 29, 2020

This Simple Change in Perform Improved Task Completion By Up To 10%

Sometimes, the easiest enhancements are the most effective. We normally don’t highlight small features aside from our product enhancement release notes, because we are constantly making small changes to improve usability. However, we found it fascinating that this Perform enhancement in particular has had such an impact on the navigability of the product. With a singular focus on facilitating task completion for managers and employees, the Perform team introduced a simple feature that changed productivity: the green button.

May 22, 2020

5 Tips for Building an Engaging Course in NEOGOV's Learn

Discover how to create meaningful and engaging courses in NEOGOV's government LMS, Learn, to improve employee training and skill development.

May 21, 2020

5 Most Popular eForms Processes During COVID-19

During the COVID-19 pandemic, HR teams using eForms have been safely delivering and routing forms and workflows between employees and managers. eForms already has pre-built processes that are accessible in the product's Global Library and customizable for each organization's needs, while ensuring compliance. eForms customers have found tremendous value in offering these touchless HR processes.

Here are the five most popular processes in eForms that organizations like yours have been using to support their employees safely and remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic. Access these processes in the eForms Global Library:

May 21, 2020

42 Ideas to Maintain and Improve Your Mental Health During Quarantine

Mental health is something most of us could do a better job of prioritizing, even in the best of situations. During a time like this, it’s absolutely essential. Whether it’s pushing through anxiety or ignoring nagging feelings of discontent, we are conditioned to keep up productivity at any cost. If you’re working from home, you may have found yourself trying to overcompensate by allowing your workday to bleed into your home life. If so, you’re in good company -- a recent SHRM study found that 41% of employees felt burned out amid COVID-19 struggles

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