NEOGOV can spare a letter or two from our name and logo, but hospital patients who need blood to survive cannot. Our logo is missing an O, just like the American Red Cross is missing A, B and O types of blood. So, this summer, we’ve partnered with the Red Cross to help fill the missing types – because when A’s, B’s and O’s are missing from hospital shelves, patient lives may be in jeopardy.
Only you can help fill the gaps. Only you can help fill the gaps. Join our partnership with the American Red Cross to support the #MissingType movement. Schedule a blood donation appointment at and spread the word on social media using the official #MissingType campaign hashtag.
"NEOGOV understands that giving blood and donating to the Red Cross saves lives which is why we support the Red Cross through employees giving blood and through donations,” said Shane Evangelist, NEOGOV CEO.
One letter and one person can change everything for patients in need. The #MissingType is you. Join us today.